Artist Salwa Arnous was born in Jaffa Palestine and began painting during the Oslo Peace Accords . She grew up in Cairo Egypt and has lived in Kuwait. She has lived in the United States for 27 years and now resides in San Antonio Texas where she works in the city’s public library.
Her Palestinian art exhibit has ignited controversy in the San Antonio political arena with the local newspaper the San Antonio Express News, running a front page story claiming a prominent Jewish leader, Rabbi Barry Block, called the exhibit “Anti-Semitic” and that it was “not art” (Rabbi Barry denied using the term Anti-Semitic).The story evoked several responses from other reporters and the public on the Palestinian/Israeli issue. Many of the commentators have not seen the exhibit for themselves.
The paintings and collages are powerful, showing images of women and children, including a collage with Rachel Corrie, a 23 year old activist from Olympia Washington, who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in 2003. In an effort for more people to be able to view Salwa’s work, we present some of her art in this short video. We hope that others who have now heard of her art but have not seen it, may view it and make up their own minds about what it conveys to them.
This art exhibit is currently on display in San Antonio Texas at the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center through the fall of 2006.
The video includes an introduction by journalist Barbara Renaud Gonzalez.
Music by Natacha Atlas.
Espanol:Salwa Arnous es una artista que nacio en Jaffa Palestina, se creo en Cairo, Egipto, y vivio en Kuwait. Su arte sobre la vida de los Palestinos ha encendido una controversia en la cuidad de San Antonio Texas. El periodico el Express News escribio una historia que el arte era anti-semitico (encontra de los Judios) y que el rabi Barry Block de el Templo Bethel opino que no era arte. Various periodistas en la cuidad y el publico dio comentario sobre el tema sin haber visto la exhibicion.
En este video presentamos un poco de el arte de Salwa, para que el publico pueda ver lo y ellos mismos decidir el significado de su arte.
El video incluye introduccion por la periodista Barbara Renaud Gonzalez.
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