Hear the rest of the commentary (3 minutes) at the Media That Matters film screening held in August 2006, by Patsy Robles, producer for the 411 Show, which airs on public access television and as a videoblog, about how public access television and videoblogs work and what the public may not be aware of on the issue.
Produced by 411 Productions
My name is David W. Johnson. I'm the founder of public access in Evansville, IN. I may know what you're going through. My town didn't want public access either when I fought for it in 2000 but we got it. Later we then got it on our other cable channel because a newspaper article about me made them look bad for not doing it. The last I heard from one at the Alliance for Community Mediat, there was still provisions providing for us all to have public access, but recently their site maybe seems to show we're really up against a fight.
So I can really sympathize with you and I listened to one of your Youtube Save Public Access videos. I hope you don't mind, but I put a link to on the Wikipedia.org listing for public access, and stated a bit about your efforts. If you don't know about Wiki, it's an online encyclopedia where anyone can help shape the listing of a thing. I think the public access listing is pretty accurate now, and Bill Olson's history of public access may soon be added. I hope you get some feed back. Feel free to improve the listing yourself on the "edit" page.
Feel free to contact me or my friend and like producer of public access shows in Evansville, IN, Matt Hawes. Currently I live and work in Orlando, FL at Universal Studios E.T. Currently I'm not doing any shows.
Matt owns a comic book shop back in my hometown. We've both gone through tibulations. Recently he's started putting much of his zany brand of comedy up on Youtube. His show is called The Happy Show. Some of my oddball stuff may be found there too.
My contact information is: David W. Johnson, 19 N. Ortman Dr., Orlando, FL 32805 phone 407-293-1349
Matt Hawes, Comics Unlimited, 654-B E. Diamond Ave., Evansville, IN 47714 812-423-6952
Thanks again for fighting for public access,
David W. Johnson
I'm David W. Johnson. I founded public access in Evansville, IN. Maybe I can sympathize with you. I saw one of your save public access videos on Youtube about the 411 show. I hope you don't mind but I added a link to it on the Wikipedia.org listing for public access. I was very impressed with your efforts and hope that it all works out.
Thanks, that's great. I'm always happy
to spread the word and hopefully more
people across the U.S. will get involved.
Patsy Robles, 411 Productions
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