Watch Democracy in action in Texas. San Antonio City Council Election Forum held on March 14, 2007 for Mayoral Candidates and District 1 City Council. Candidates answered questions from the community concerning various issues such as how property tax values are determined (The rich do not have to disclose the sale price on their homes, so how do you determine the tax due?), a new system of automated garbage pickup, jobs, and some national issues such as immigration and border security with Mexico. Below is a listing of the candidates present. This video is also running on the Eye Scene Show on the local Public Access Channel 20 in San Antonio Texas in April 2007. Part 1 of 6. For the last 3 parts, go to our other website, March archives at
Candidates May 2007
For Mayor of San Antonio.
Rhett Smith.
Eiginio Rodriguez.
Patrick McCurdy.
Julie Iris Oldham.
R G Griffing.
Current Mayor Phil Hardberger (also a candidate) was not present at this forum.
Michael Idrogo was not present.
For District One.
Kat Swift.
R Esmeralda Monreal de Mercado.
Mary Alice Cisneros.