Flamenco Dance- Derek-14 The 411 Show
Watch this Flamenco performance by the dynamic dancer Derek, 14 years old. He is dancing to "Farruka" a classic Flamenco piece. Derek was discovered by us at a Show in San Antonio called Give Belly Dance a Chance, which is given annually by Karavan Dance Company. He and his fellow dancers also dance regularly at an event called First Friday, where every 1st friday of the month there are artists doing a wide variety of performances, usually on the street or in parking lots in the downtown area of San Antonio known as King William. It is a popular event for youth in San Antonio.
Derek has been dancing since he was 4 years old and studies under the fabulous teacher, Rodolfo Medellin, who opened the Movimiento Dance Arts School in San Antonio. He is also the instructor for the two previous spanish dances posted- the Paso Doble dance and the Rumba dance.
All these dancers came to perform for the 411 Show in the summer of 2005. It was a very exciting and high energy morning at the studio that day, with lots of kids from 5 to 14 years old very excited to be dancing for the cameras. Performing for a camera is very different than performing for a live audience. We use the show as a teaching tool for dancers who are used to live performances, to learn the differences in how they should tweak their performance for a camera, when there is no audience.
All of the dancers behaved very professionally for being of such a young age and their costumes looked fantastic.
You can view the other two performances by this dance group in previous postings. For more information on Karavan Dance Company go to www.karavansa.com
Produced for the 411 Show by 411 Productions
Espanol: Vean este baile de Flamenco por el joven Derek, de 14 anos de edad. Derek ha estado bailando desde los 4 anos de edad. Es un bailador muy dynamico. Descubrimos a Derek en un show en San Antonio "Give Belly Dance a Chance" , que es un show de baile del vientre que produce el estudio Karavan cada ano.
Usamos el show para dar instrucion a artistas jovenes cuales son las diferencias entre bailando para un audiencia en vivo y bailando para las cameras.
Derek estudia bajo el gran maestro Rodolfo Medillen, quien abrio la escuela Movimiento Dance Arts en San Antonio. Pueden ver dos adicionales bailes por los estudiantes the Rodolfo Medillin en videos previos. Todos los jovenes de edades 5 and 14 se portaron muy profesionales este dia en el verano the 2005 cuando grabamos estos bailes.